Fixed: The User Profile Service Failed The Logon Error

A virus or corrupted user profile is one of the most annoying things that cause Errors to users mostly when we talk about the installations of Windows. It is bothersome because it restricts users to have access to those files that are saved on the hard disk or SSD of their system. It includes pictures, videos, documents, and many other downloaded applications.

Users would be able to receive this annoying precautionary message “The User Profile Service failed the logon,” and this Error is faced by all versions of Windows, including Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10, and Vista. There’s no need to be anxious because your Error is very simple to resolve, and in this article, we’ll explain in detail how users can fix this issue.

Users should keep in mind the following guideline for their system’s safety:

While repairing any PC there is always this possibility that you could cause further Errors, so you should be confident about carrying out the backups time after time. In case users are not used to it they can’t get into their PC, it is suggested to delete the hard disk and save the files to some other PC.

As we have explained above that you can’t get into your PC, it is suggested that you should take its hard disk out and save the files to some system of PC. For this purpose, USB disk caddies can be helpful as it allows users to plug their hard disk with the user profile that has been destroying it, into another PC through USB.

1. Reboot your PC

As an initial step, start or start restarting or rebooting your PC. Windows sometimes face a problem when User Profile Service Failed the Logon in case you have an antivirus app that scans your system at the time. Just reset your PC and try to log in once more and you would probably be able to successfully understand it in this time. In case the above method doesn’t work, just proceed.

2. Restoration of System

There are higher possibilities that users can resolve their Error (User Profile Service Failed the Logon) by utilizing System Restore. You can do it by rebooting your PC and tap F8 to start Windows’ boot menu. Now select Safe Mode so you can restart Windows. While working on your PC as it shows a Command Prompt and writes rstrui to load System Restore.

Now press Next and select the restore point by date: choose a date when you know that your PC worked normally. After the completion of the above steps just tap Next and Finish to restore your system. It will probably resolve your Error, but in case it doesn’t you’ll require to go for suggest below. First, you should make a backup for your PC’s Registry utilizing ‘Safe Mode.

3. Backup Registry

Here your initial step is to back up the Registry while saving your PC should the guideline fail below. It is a simple job and you don’t need to be able to restart into the full OS to do it. Now just reboot your PC and press F8 after the BIOS POST screen to display the boot menu. Now choose Safe mode from the list.

After restarting your system you just have to enter your username and password to log in to the Safe Mode Desktop. Usually, users do it by creating a System Restore point, but you can’t do this in Safe Mode. So you can do it by pressing Start, typing Regedit, and tapping Enter. In the Registry Editor hit File, Export, surf where you want to save backup, enter a name, and tap Save.

In case your PC has a second Administrator account that is accessible to you, you can backup the Registry simply by restarting Windows and making a new System Restore Point. Tap Start, right-click Computer, and choose Properties. After doing that just tap System Protection in the left-hand pane, press the System Protection tab, and tap Create. Your PC will take a backup of key files and the Registry.

Fixation of  Windows Corrupt User Profile

In case you still do have an issue with your PC after making Registry changes, you’ll require restoring everything to its old settings. It is very simple to do once you’ve followed the above instructions. Reboot your PC and press F8 after the BIOS POST test messages to start the boot menu. Then choose Safe Mode to boot into the certain mode utilized for recovery. In case needed, choose a username and add a password to log onto your PC.

In case you made a backup by saving the Registry, surf to the .reg file you made above to find the Registry backup for your system. Now just double-click this file and tap OK on the warning dialog box to interlink your old settings into the Registry. The time you restart your PC, your Registry will come back to its previous settings.

In case you made a backup by making a new System Restore Point, run System Restore from the Start Menu. Now Choose the System Restore point you made, while utilizing the date and time to choose the right one and reboot your PC. After restarting you’ll have the Registry back in its former condition before you go towards any changes.

Now you can see that you still have the original version of defective user profile Errors, but you can now try following the methods again (or can go for another method) in order to recover your PC. You can restore your computer from the Registry backup more than once according to your need, so no need to be panicked about trying to resolve your PC.

You should also be careful about your backing up, as you can run the file after you’ve resolved your PC. In case you accept the Registry changes you’ll just mess up with your user profile, to resolve it once more.

Following are some Methods to Resolve Corrupt User Profiles:

Method 1: Making a New Account

To make a new account means that there is no need to edit the Registry and users can avoid more fuss. In case you’re confident about utilizing Windows, just go for method 2 which give below.

Following are the steps to complete method 1.

i. Enable Hidden Administrator Account

It is one of the simplest and most securest methods to resolve the Error (user profile service failed the logon Windows 7) that is to make a new account and copy your previous files and settings. Users can only do this in case they have got another user account on the system with Administrator settings.

In case you have, just restart your PC as normal and leave Step 2. In condition if you don’t have another account, you are required to the hidden Administrator account. Now restart into safe mode, explained above. Tap Start and write ‘cmd‘, then right-click Command Prompt and choose Run as Administrator. In the command prompt users can write the below instruction:

Net user administrator /active: yes

Tap Enter and you will see a message: “The command completed successfully“.

ii. Log in to Administrator Account

Here you just reboot your PC the way you usually do it, but when you get to the login screen, don’t log in with your usual user account. Alternatively, choose either the hidden Administrator account, as enabled in Step 1, or another account on your PC that is accessible by the admin to fix the user profile that cannot be loaded or the user profile service failed Error.

iii. Making New Account

Here Open Control Panel from the Start Menu and choose User Account and Family Safety, then tap User Accounts. Now press Manage another account, then tap Create another account.  Now you can Enter a name for your new user. Users should be confident about making their new account as an Administrator, and then press Create Account. This method will help to get rid of the user profile service that failed the logon Error.

iv. Copy Previous Data

Here users should only require copying their old data to their new account. In the first step, tap Start and select Switch account. You would be able to see the Login screen, now press your new account to log in to it (in case you don’t do this, the user folder will not be made). While as a second step on the Desktop, log off and log into the Administrator account.

Users can also utilize Windows Explorer to go back to their old user’s folder, which is most likely: C: Users

Now tap Alt, click Tools, and choose Folder Options. Press View and make sure you’ve chosen ‘Show hidden files, folders, and drives’. Unchecked ‘ Hide protected operating system files as it is suggested and tap OK.

Choose all files in this folder and leave the ones that start Ntuser.dat, Ntuser.dat.log, Ntuser.ini. Tap Control-C or choose Copy from the Edit menu (in case you don’t see the menu tap Alt first).

Now users can surf to their new user’s folder (most likely c: Users). Click Control-V, choose Paste, or choose Paste from the Edit menu (click Alt in case you don’t see this menu).

Now users can Log off and then back on as their new users. Your files and apps settings should have transferred, although there are some email apps that may have to have messages re-installed or their data sent individually. The time you are confident about everything, you can remove your old user profile and other files. At the end, you can rename your new user account. Don’t forget to go back into Safe mode and hide the Administrator account, by using the below instruction:

Net user administrator /active: no

Fixation of  Windows Corrupt User Profile Method

2: Registry Edit

The registry Edit method has likely to cause more damage, Therefore, follow the steps mentioned at the start of this article to have a backup of your Registry. This is only for the advanced users.

i. Launch RegEdit

Here restart or reboot your system and start into Safe Mode, following the steps at the beginning of this article. Then tap on the Start menu, write Regedit, and tap Enter to begin the Registry Editor.

Utilizing the left-hand panel, surf to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion/ProfileList. Users would be able to see some folders with the title beginning S-1-5 followed by a long number. Press every single one and after doing that in the Main Window check the Profile Image Path and confirm the troubling account. This is the name of the user folder and has the name of the username it interlinks with.

In case you have two folders for your username, and one ends in .bak, you have to right-click the folder that doesn’t have .bak in it, choose rename and add ‘.ba’ to the end of the name. Now change the name of the folder with .bak in it, removing the .bak part of the name. In case you have one folder with a .bak in the end, erase it to delete the .bak part.

ii. Change RefCount

Choose the folder with the .bak in the name, then in the main Window users can double-click RefCount. Now change the Value data to 0, and tap OK. End the Registry Editor and reboot your PC, now you would be able to log in to your present account. In case you still have issues you can re-save your original Registry settings by following the steps at the beginning of this article, then go for solution 1 to maintain a faulty user profile.

Resolved:  The user profile service failed the logon into Windows 10 Error:

In the case of Windows 10 you’ve faced the “ the user profile service failed the logon Windows 10” Error then there’s a bit vary solution but it needs you to have an approach to another Windows 10 PC. For this purpose, you require to copy the ‘C:\Users\Default’ folder within a second, a PC that doesn’t have any issue over to your new PC, and paste it in the exact location.

Now change the already present folder on your troubling system to something else, just in the condition that you ever require going back. To gain approach the ‘Default’ folder on your second system you’ll require to turn on hidden files by pressing ‘View’ in the folder toolbar and choosing ‘Hidden items’.

The user profile failed logon issue is way too irritating because it causes an Error to your whole system’s mechanism. You can fix the user profile service failed logon Error easily now by following the above methods and making your PC run smoothly.